bool OverrideMassCenter { get; set; }



The OverrideMassCenter property of the PhysicsBody class indicates whether the mass center of the physics body is calculated automatically or set directly by the user. When set to true, the mass center is manually specified, allowing for custom configurations. When set to false, the mass center is automatically calculated based on the shapes and their distribution within the physics body.


Use the OverrideMassCenter property when you need precise control over the mass center of a physics body, such as when simulating non-uniform mass distributions or when specific physical behavior is desired. This can be particularly useful in scenarios where the default mass center calculation does not meet the requirements of the simulation.


// Example of setting the OverrideMassCenter property
PhysicsBody myPhysicsBody = new PhysicsBody();

// Set the mass center manually
myPhysicsBody.OverrideMassCenter = true;

// Now you can set the LocalMassCenter to a specific value
myPhysicsBody.LocalMassCenter = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);