Vector3 Position { get; set; }



The Position property of the PhysicsBody class represents the position of the physics body in world coordinates. It is a Vector3 type, which means it contains three components: X, Y, and Z, representing the position in 3D space.


Use the Position property to get or set the world position of a PhysicsBody instance. This property is useful for determining where the physics body is located in the game world or for moving it to a new location.


// Example of setting the position of a PhysicsBody
PhysicsBody body = new PhysicsBody();
body.Position = new Vector3(10.0f, 5.0f, 3.0f);

// Example of getting the position of a PhysicsBody
Vector3 currentPosition = body.Position;

// Output the current position
// Note: Use a logging system or debugger to view the output
// Debug.Log(currentPosition);