Vector3 Pos { get; set; }



The Pos property of the PhysicsGroup class provides the position of the first physics body within the group. If the group does not contain any physics bodies, it returns a zero vector.


Use the Pos property to quickly access the position of the first physics body in a PhysicsGroup. This can be useful for determining the location of a group of physics bodies in the world. If you need the position of a specific body within the group, consider using the GetBody method instead.


// Example of accessing the Pos property
PhysicsGroup physicsGroup = new PhysicsGroup();
Vector3 position = physicsGroup.Pos;

// Check if the position is a zero vector, indicating no bodies in the group
if (position == Vector3.Zero)
    // Handle the case where there are no bodies
    // For example, log a message or initialize bodies