float Distance { get; set; }



The Distance property of the PhysicsTraceResult struct represents the distance between the start and end positions of a physics trace. This value is a float and provides a measure of how far the trace traveled before hitting an object or reaching its endpoint.


Use the Distance property to determine how far a trace has traveled in a physics simulation. This can be useful for calculating the length of a trace or for determining if a trace has reached a certain distance threshold.


// Example of using the Distance property
PhysicsTraceResult traceResult = PerformPhysicsTrace();

// Check if the trace hit something
if (traceResult.Hit)
    // Output the distance the trace traveled
    float distanceTraveled = traceResult.Distance;
    // Use the distance for further logic
    if (distanceTraveled > 10.0f)
        // Perform some action if the trace traveled more than 10 units