

The Shape field in the PhysicsTraceResult struct represents the specific physics shape that was hit during a physics trace operation, if any. This field is of type PhysicsShape, which encapsulates the geometric and physical properties of the shape involved in the collision.


To access the Shape field, you need to perform a physics trace operation that returns a PhysicsTraceResult object. Once you have this result, you can check if a shape was hit by examining the Shape field. If the field is not null, it indicates that a shape was indeed hit during the trace.


// Example of using the Shape field in a PhysicsTraceResult

// Assume we have a PhysicsTraceResult from a trace operation
PhysicsTraceResult traceResult = PerformPhysicsTrace();

// Check if a shape was hit
if (traceResult.Hit)
    PhysicsShape hitShape = traceResult.Shape;
    if (hitShape != null)
        // Do something with the hit shape
        // For example, log its properties or apply some logic
        Log.Info($"Hit shape: {hitShape}");