IEnumerable<PhysicsBody> Bodies { get; set; }



The Bodies property of the PhysicsWorld class provides access to all the physics bodies present within the physics world. This property returns an IEnumerable<PhysicsBody>, allowing you to iterate over each PhysicsBody in the world.


Use the Bodies property when you need to access or iterate over all the physics bodies in a PhysicsWorld. This can be useful for operations such as applying a force to all bodies, checking their states, or performing custom updates.


// Example of iterating over all physics bodies in a PhysicsWorld
PhysicsWorld physicsWorld = new PhysicsWorld();

foreach (PhysicsBody body in physicsWorld.Bodies)
    // Perform operations on each body
    body.ApplyForce(new Vector3(0, 0, -9.81f)); // Example: Apply gravity