

The RunTrace method in the PhysicsWorld class is used to perform a physics trace within the world. This method takes a reference to a PhysicsTraceBuilder object, which defines the parameters and configuration for the trace operation. The method returns a PhysicsTraceResult object that contains the results of the trace, such as whether it hit an object, the position of the hit, and other relevant data.


To use the RunTrace method, you need to have a PhysicsTraceBuilder object configured with the desired trace parameters. This includes setting the start and end points of the trace, the collision mask, and any other relevant options. Once configured, pass the PhysicsTraceBuilder by reference to the RunTrace method to execute the trace and obtain the results.


// Create a PhysicsTraceBuilder and configure it
PhysicsTraceBuilder traceBuilder = new PhysicsTraceBuilder();
traceBuilder.Start = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
traceBuilder.End = new Vector3(10, 0, 0);
traceBuilder.CollisionMask = CollisionLayer.Solid;

// Run the trace
PhysicsTraceResult result = physicsWorld.RunTrace(ref traceBuilder);

// Check if the trace hit something
if (result.Hit)
    // Output the position of the hit
    Vector3 hitPosition = result.Position;
    // Handle the hit result