PhysicsGroup SetupPhysicsFromModel( Model model, PhysicsMotionType motionType )
PhysicsGroup SetupPhysicsFromModel( Model model, Transform transform, PhysicsMotionType motionType )



The SetupPhysicsFromModel method initializes a physics group within the PhysicsWorld using a specified model and motion type. This method is useful for setting up the physical properties and behaviors of objects in the physics simulation based on their model data.


To use the SetupPhysicsFromModel method, you need to have an instance of PhysicsWorld. You will also need a Model object that represents the 3D model you want to use for the physics setup, and a PhysicsMotionType that defines how the object should behave in the physics simulation (e.g., static, dynamic, or kinematic).

Call the method with the model and motion type as parameters. The method will return a PhysicsGroup that represents the group of physics bodies created from the model.


// Assuming 'physicsWorld' is an instance of PhysicsWorld
// and 'model' is a valid Model object
// and 'motionType' is a valid PhysicsMotionType

PhysicsGroup physicsGroup = physicsWorld.SetupPhysicsFromModel(model, motionType);

// Now 'physicsGroup' contains the physics bodies set up from the model.