bool SleepingEnabled { get; set; }



The SleepingEnabled property of the PhysicsWorld class determines whether physics bodies within the world are allowed to enter a sleep state after a period of inactivity. When set to true, bodies that have not moved for a certain duration will be put to sleep, which can improve performance by reducing the number of active calculations required. This is particularly useful in scenarios where many objects are at rest and do not need to be continuously simulated.


To enable or disable sleeping for physics bodies in a PhysicsWorld, you can set the SleepingEnabled property to true or false respectively. This can be done at any point during the simulation to dynamically control the behavior of the physics world.


// Example of enabling sleeping in a PhysicsWorld
PhysicsWorld physicsWorld = new PhysicsWorld();
physicsWorld.SleepingEnabled = true;

// Example of disabling sleeping in a PhysicsWorld
physicsWorld.SleepingEnabled = false;