void AverageEdgeUVs( IReadOnlyList<HalfEdgeHandle> edges )



The AverageEdgeUVs method is a member of the PolygonMesh class in the Sandbox namespace. This method is used to average the UV coordinates of the specified edges in a polygon mesh. It takes a list of half-edge handles as input and modifies the UVs of these edges to ensure a smooth transition between them.


To use the AverageEdgeUVs method, you need to have a PolygonMesh instance and a collection of half-edge handles that you want to average the UVs for. This method is useful when you want to ensure that the UV mapping across edges is consistent and smooth, which is particularly important in texturing and rendering scenarios.


// Assuming you have a PolygonMesh instance and a list of edges
PolygonMesh mesh = new PolygonMesh();
IReadOnlyList<HalfEdgeMesh.HalfEdgeHandle> edges = GetEdgesToAverage();

// Average the UVs of the specified edges