void AverageVertexUVs( IReadOnlyList<VertexHandle> vertices )



The AverageVertexUVs method is a member of the PolygonMesh class in the Sandbox namespace. This method is used to average the UV coordinates of the specified vertices in a polygon mesh. Averaging UVs can be useful for smoothing texture mapping across a mesh.


To use the AverageVertexUVs method, you need to have a PolygonMesh instance and a list of vertex handles for which you want to average the UVs. Pass this list to the method as a parameter.


// Assuming 'mesh' is an instance of PolygonMesh and 'vertexHandles' is a list of VertexHandle
PolygonMesh mesh = new PolygonMesh();
IReadOnlyList<HalfEdgeMesh.VertexHandle> vertexHandles = new List<HalfEdgeMesh.VertexHandle>();

// Add vertex handles to the list
// vertexHandles.Add(...);

// Average the UVs of the specified vertices