bool ExtendEdges( IReadOnlyList<HalfEdgeHandle> edges, float amount, List<HalfEdgeHandle, &> newEdges, List<FaceHandle, &> newFaces )



The ExtendEdges method in the PolygonMesh class is used to extend a set of edges by a specified amount. This method modifies the mesh by adding new edges and faces as a result of the extension.


To use the ExtendEdges method, you need to provide a list of edges you want to extend, the amount by which you want to extend them, and two output lists to store the newly created edges and faces.

The method signature is as follows:

public bool ExtendEdges(
    IReadOnlyList edges,
    float amount,
    out List newEdges,
    out List newFaces


  • edges: A read-only list of HalfEdgeMesh.HalfEdgeHandle representing the edges to be extended.
  • amount: A float value indicating the distance to extend the edges.
  • newEdges: An output list that will contain the handles to the newly created edges.
  • newFaces: An output list that will contain the handles to the newly created faces.

Returns: A bool indicating whether the operation was successful.


// Example usage of ExtendEdges method
var polygonMesh = new PolygonMesh();
var edgesToExtend = new List<HalfEdgeMesh.HalfEdgeHandle> { /* populate with edge handles */ };
float extensionAmount = 1.0f;
List<HalfEdgeMesh.HalfEdgeHandle> newEdges;
List<HalfEdgeMesh.FaceHandle> newFaces;

bool success = polygonMesh.ExtendEdges(edgesToExtend, extensionAmount, out newEdges, out newFaces);

if (success)
    // Process newEdges and newFaces