HalfEdgeHandle FindFaceVertexConnectedToVertex( VertexHandle hVertex, FaceHandle hFace )



The FindFaceVertexConnectedToVertex method in the PolygonMesh class is used to find a half-edge that connects a given vertex to a specified face. This method is useful when you need to determine the specific edge that links a vertex to a face within a half-edge mesh structure.


To use the FindFaceVertexConnectedToVertex method, you need to provide two parameters:

  • hVertex: A HalfEdgeMesh.VertexHandle representing the vertex you are interested in.
  • hFace: A HalfEdgeMesh.FaceHandle representing the face you want to check for a connection to the vertex.

The method returns a HalfEdgeMesh.HalfEdgeHandle that represents the half-edge connecting the specified vertex to the face. If no such connection exists, the method may return a default or invalid handle, depending on the implementation.


// Example usage of FindFaceVertexConnectedToVertex
PolygonMesh mesh = new PolygonMesh();
HalfEdgeMesh.VertexHandle vertexHandle = ...; // Obtain a vertex handle
HalfEdgeMesh.FaceHandle faceHandle = ...; // Obtain a face handle

HalfEdgeMesh.HalfEdgeHandle edgeHandle = mesh.FindFaceVertexConnectedToVertex(vertexHandle, faceHandle);

if (edgeHandle.IsValid())
    // The edgeHandle is valid, meaning there is a connection
    // between the vertex and the face.
    // No connection exists between the vertex and the face.