bool GetEdgesConnectedToFace( FaceHandle hFace, List<HalfEdgeHandle, &> edges )



The GetEdgesConnectedToFace method retrieves all the edges that are connected to a specified face in a polygon mesh. This method is useful for understanding the topology of a mesh by examining the relationships between its faces and edges.


To use the GetEdgesConnectedToFace method, you need to provide a face handle as input. The method will output a list of half-edge handles that are connected to the specified face.


  • hFace: A HalfEdgeMesh.FaceHandle representing the face for which you want to find connected edges.
  • edges: An output parameter that will contain a list of HalfEdgeMesh.HalfEdgeHandle objects representing the edges connected to the specified face.

Returns: A Boolean value indicating whether the operation was successful. It returns true if the edges were successfully retrieved, otherwise false.


// Example usage of GetEdgesConnectedToFace
PolygonMesh polygonMesh = new PolygonMesh();
HalfEdgeMesh.FaceHandle faceHandle = ...; // Assume this is a valid face handle
List<HalfEdgeMesh.HalfEdgeHandle> connectedEdges = new List<HalfEdgeMesh.HalfEdgeHandle>();

bool success = polygonMesh.GetEdgesConnectedToFace(faceHandle, out connectedEdges);

if (success)
    foreach (var edge in connectedEdges)
        // Process each connected edge
    // Handle the case where no edges were found