HalfEdgeHandle GetNextVertexInFace( HalfEdgeHandle hFaceVertex )



The GetNextVertexInFace method is part of the PolygonMesh class in the Sandbox namespace. This method is used to retrieve the next vertex in a face, given a handle to a half-edge that represents a vertex in that face. It is useful for iterating over vertices in a face in a half-edge mesh structure.


To use the GetNextVertexInFace method, you need to have a HalfEdgeHandle that represents a vertex in a face. Pass this handle as a parameter to the method, and it will return the handle to the next vertex in the face.


// Assuming you have a PolygonMesh instance and a HalfEdgeHandle
PolygonMesh mesh = new PolygonMesh();
HalfEdgeMesh.HalfEdgeHandle currentVertexHandle = ...; // Obtain this from your mesh

// Get the next vertex in the face
HalfEdgeMesh.HalfEdgeHandle nextVertexHandle = mesh.GetNextVertexInFace(currentVertexHandle);

// Use the nextVertexHandle as needed, for example, to get the position of the vertex
Vector3 nextVertexPosition = mesh.GetVertexPosition(nextVertexHandle);