HalfEdgeHandle HalfEdgeHandleFromIndex( int index )



The HalfEdgeHandleFromIndex method retrieves a HalfEdgeHandle from a given index within a PolygonMesh. This method is useful for accessing specific half-edges in a mesh by their index, allowing for operations or queries on those edges.


To use the HalfEdgeHandleFromIndex method, you need to have an instance of PolygonMesh and an integer index representing the position of the half-edge you want to access. The method will return a HalfEdgeHandle that corresponds to the specified index.


// Example of using HalfEdgeHandleFromIndex
PolygonMesh polygonMesh = new PolygonMesh();
int index = 5; // Example index
HalfEdgeMesh.HalfEdgeHandle halfEdgeHandle = polygonMesh.HalfEdgeHandleFromIndex(index);

// Now you can use halfEdgeHandle to perform operations on the specific half-edge.