IEnumerable<HalfEdgeHandle> HalfEdgeHandles { get; set; }



Gets an enumerable collection of all the half edge handles currently being used in the PolygonMesh. This property provides access to the underlying half edge structure of the mesh, which is essential for operations that involve edge manipulation or traversal.


Use the HalfEdgeHandles property when you need to iterate over or perform operations on the half edges of a PolygonMesh. This can be useful for tasks such as mesh analysis, modification, or when implementing custom algorithms that require direct access to the mesh's half edge data structure.


// Example of iterating over all half edge handles in a PolygonMesh
PolygonMesh mesh = new PolygonMesh();

foreach (var halfEdgeHandle in mesh.HalfEdgeHandles)
    // Perform operations with each half edge handle
    // For example, you might want to get the vertices connected by this half edge
    HalfEdgeMesh.VertexHandle vertexA, vertexB;
    mesh.GetEdgeVertices(halfEdgeHandle, out vertexA, out vertexB);
    // Do something with vertexA and vertexB