void QuadSliceFaces( IReadOnlyList<FaceHandle> faces, int cutsX, int cutsY, float minCornerAngleDegrees, List<FaceHandle> outNewFaceList )



The QuadSliceFaces method is used to subdivide a set of polygonal faces into smaller quadrilateral faces. This is achieved by specifying the number of cuts along the X and Y axes, as well as a minimum corner angle to ensure the quality of the resulting quads. The method outputs a list of new face handles representing the subdivided faces.


To use the QuadSliceFaces method, you need to provide the following parameters:

  • faces: A read-only list of HalfEdgeMesh.FaceHandle representing the faces to be subdivided.
  • cutsX: An integer specifying the number of cuts along the X axis.
  • cutsY: An integer specifying the number of cuts along the Y axis.
  • minCornerAngleDegrees: A float representing the minimum corner angle in degrees to maintain the quality of the quads.
  • outNewFaceList: A list of HalfEdgeMesh.FaceHandle that will be populated with the new face handles created by the subdivision.


// Example usage of QuadSliceFaces
var polygonMesh = new PolygonMesh();
var facesToSlice = new List<HalfEdgeMesh.FaceHandle> { /* Add face handles here */ };
int cutsX = 2;
int cutsY = 2;
float minCornerAngle = 30.0f;
var newFaces = new List<HalfEdgeMesh.FaceHandle>();

polygonMesh.QuadSliceFaces(facesToSlice, cutsX, cutsY, minCornerAngle, newFaces);

// newFaces now contains the handles to the newly created quadrilateral faces.