bool CheckValidationAttributes( System.Object obj, System.String[]& errors, string name )



The CheckValidationAttributes method is a member of the PropertyDescription class in the Sandbox namespace. This method is used to validate an object against the validation attributes defined for a property. It checks if the specified object meets the criteria set by these attributes and returns a boolean indicating the result of the validation.


To use the CheckValidationAttributes method, you need to pass the object you want to validate, a reference to a string array to capture any validation errors, and the name of the property you are validating. The method will return true if the object passes all validation checks, and false otherwise. Any validation errors encountered will be populated in the errors array.


// Example usage of CheckValidationAttributes
var propertyDescription = new PropertyDescription();
object myObject = new MyObject();
string[] validationErrors;
string propertyName = "MyProperty";

bool isValid = propertyDescription.CheckValidationAttributes(myObject, out validationErrors, propertyName);

if (isValid)
    // The object is valid according to the validation attributes
    // Handle validation errors
    foreach (var error in validationErrors)
        // Process each error