void SetValue( System.Object obj, System.Object value )



The SetValue method is used to set the value of a property on a specified object. This method is part of the PropertyDescription class, which provides a safe way to interact with property information in the Sandbox environment.


To use the SetValue method, you need to have an instance of the PropertyDescription class. You can then call SetValue by passing the target object and the value you wish to set for the property.

Ensure that the property is writable by checking the CanWrite property before attempting to set a value. If the property is not writable, an exception may be thrown.


// Assume 'propertyDescription' is an instance of PropertyDescription
// and 'targetObject' is the object whose property you want to set.

if (propertyDescription.CanWrite)
    propertyDescription.SetValue(targetObject, newValue);
    // Handle the case where the property is not writable
    throw new InvalidOperationException("The property cannot be written to.");