CubemapFogController CubemapFog { get; set; }



The CubemapFog property of the SceneCamera class provides control over fog effects based on a cubemap image. This allows for more dynamic and visually appealing fog effects that can be tailored to the specific needs of a scene by using an image to define the fog's appearance and behavior.


To use the CubemapFog property, you need to have an instance of SceneCamera. You can then access the CubemapFog property to configure the fog settings using a CubemapFogController object. This object allows you to specify various parameters related to the fog effect, such as density, color, and the cubemap image itself.


// Assuming 'camera' is an instance of SceneCamera
CubemapFogController fogController = camera.CubemapFog;

// Configure the fog controller
fogController.Density = 0.5f;
fogController.Cubemap = myCubemapTexture;
fogController.Color = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f);