Frustum GetFrustum( Rect pixelRect )
Frustum GetFrustum( Rect pixelRect, Vector3 screenSize )



The GetFrustum method of the SceneCamera class is used to retrieve the viewing frustum of the camera based on a specified pixel rectangle. The frustum is a geometric representation of the camera's field of view, which is used to determine what is visible on the screen.


To use the GetFrustum method, you need to provide a Rect object that defines the pixel rectangle for which you want to calculate the frustum. This method returns a Frustum object that represents the calculated viewing frustum.


// Create a SceneCamera instance
SceneCamera camera = new SceneCamera();

// Define a pixel rectangle
Rect pixelRect = new Rect(0, 0, 1920, 1080);

// Get the frustum for the specified pixel rectangle
Frustum frustum = camera.GetFrustum(pixelRect);

// Use the frustum for further operations
// For example, checking if a point is within the frustum
Vector3 point = new Vector3(10, 20, 30);
bool isPointInFrustum = frustum.Contains(point);