float ZNear { get; set; }



The ZNear property of the SceneCamera class specifies the closest distance that the camera can render. This property is crucial for determining the near clipping plane of the camera's view frustum. A typical value for ZNear is around 5 units. Setting this value too low, especially below 1, can result in rendering artifacts such as z-fighting, where two or more surfaces compete for the same screen space.


To set the ZNear property, simply assign a float value to it. Ensure that the value is not too low to avoid rendering issues. Adjusting ZNear can help in balancing the depth precision and the range of the camera's view.


// Create a new SceneCamera instance
SceneCamera camera = new SceneCamera();

// Set the ZNear property
camera.ZNear = 5.0f;

// Ensure the value is appropriate for your scene to avoid z-fighting
if (camera.ZNear < 1.0f)
    // Adjust the value if necessary
    camera.ZNear = 5.0f;