bool ClipPlaneEnabled



The ClipPlaneEnabled field is a boolean value that determines whether the clipping plane defined in ClipPlane is used for the SceneObject. When set to true, the clipping plane is active, affecting how the object is rendered by potentially clipping parts of it based on the plane's position and orientation.

Note: This field is marked as obsolete, indicating that it may be removed in future versions or that there is a preferred alternative approach.


To enable or disable the clipping plane for a SceneObject, set the ClipPlaneEnabled field to true or false respectively. Ensure that the ClipPlane is properly defined if enabling this feature.

Example usage:

SceneObject mySceneObject = new SceneObject();
mySceneObject.ClipPlane = new Plane(Vector3.Up, 0.0f); // Define the clipping plane
mySceneObject.ClipPlaneEnabled = true; // Enable the clipping plane


SceneObject mySceneObject = new SceneObject();
mySceneObject.ClipPlane = new Plane(Vector3.Up, 0.0f); // Define the clipping plane
mySceneObject.ClipPlaneEnabled = true; // Enable the clipping plane