SceneTrace Capsule( Capsule capsule )
SceneTrace Capsule( Capsule capsule, Vector3& from, Vector3& to )
SceneTrace Capsule( Capsule capsule, Ray& ray, System.Single& distance )



The Capsule method in the SceneTrace struct is used to perform a trace operation using a capsule shape. This method is part of the tracing system in the Sandbox game engine, which allows for collision detection and physics interactions within a scene.


To use the Capsule method, you need to provide a Capsule object as a parameter. This object defines the shape and dimensions of the capsule that will be used in the trace operation. The method returns a SceneTrace object, which can be further configured or executed to perform the trace.


// Example of using the Capsule method
Capsule capsule = new Capsule(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector3(0, 0, 10), 1.0f);
SceneTrace trace = new SceneTrace().Capsule(capsule);
SceneTraceResult result = trace.Run();

if (result.Hit)
    // Handle collision
    GameObject hitObject = result.Entity;
    // Do something with the hit object