

The Run method of the SceneTrace struct executes the trace operation and returns the result of the first hit encountered. This method is useful for determining the first object that a trace intersects with in the scene.


To use the Run method, you first need to configure a SceneTrace object with the desired parameters, such as the start and end points of the trace, the shape of the trace (e.g., sphere, box), and any filters or conditions (e.g., ignoring certain objects or only hitting specific tags). Once configured, call the Run method to perform the trace and obtain the result.


// Example of using SceneTrace to perform a trace and get the first hit result

// Create a SceneTrace object
SceneTrace trace = new SceneTrace();

// Configure the trace (e.g., set start and end points, shape, etc.)
trace = trace.FromTo(startPosition, endPosition)
              .Radius(0.5f) // Example: using a sphere with radius 0.5
              .UsePhysicsWorld(true); // Example: include physics objects

// Run the trace
SceneTraceResult result = trace.Run();

// Check if the trace hit something
if (result.Hit)
    // Process the hit result
    GameObject hitObject = result.Entity;
    Vector3 hitPosition = result.Position;
    // Additional processing...