Component Component



The Component field in the SceneTraceResult struct represents the specific Component that was hit during a scene trace operation. This field is read-only and provides information about the component that was intersected by the trace.


Use the Component field to determine which component of a GameObject was hit during a trace. This can be useful for identifying specific parts of a complex object that were interacted with, allowing for more detailed collision handling or interaction logic.


// Example of using SceneTraceResult to get the hit component
SceneTraceResult traceResult = SceneTraceResult.From(scene, ref physicsTraceResult);

if (traceResult.Hit)
    Component hitComponent = traceResult.Component;
    // Perform operations with the hit component
    // For example, logging the component's name
    string componentName = hitComponent?.Name ?? "Unknown Component";
    // Use componentName as needed