GameObject GameObject



The GameObject field in the SceneTraceResult struct represents the GameObject that was hit during a scene trace operation. This field is read-only and provides information about the specific game object that was intersected by the trace.


To access the GameObject field, you must first perform a scene trace operation that returns a SceneTraceResult. Once you have the result, you can access the GameObject field to determine which game object was hit.


// Example of using SceneTraceResult to get the GameObject hit

// Assume 'scene' is a valid Scene object and 'traceResult' is a valid PhysicsTraceResult
SceneTraceResult result = SceneTraceResult.From(scene, traceResult);

if (result.Hit)
    GameObject hitObject = result.GameObject;
    // Use hitObject as needed
    // For example, you might want to log the name of the hit object
    string objectName = hitObject.Name;
    // Do something with objectName