Surface Surface



The Surface field in the SceneTraceResult struct represents the physical properties of the surface that was hit during a scene trace operation. This field is of type Sandbox.Surface and provides detailed information about the material characteristics of the hit surface, such as friction, bounce, and other surface-specific properties.


To access the Surface field, you need to perform a scene trace using the SceneTraceResult struct. Once you have a trace result, you can read the Surface field to understand the physical properties of the surface that was hit.

Note that this field is read-only and is automatically populated by the trace operation. It is not intended to be modified directly.


// Example of using SceneTraceResult to access the Surface field

// Assume 'scene' is a valid Scene object and 'traceResult' is a SceneTraceResult
SceneTraceResult traceResult = SceneTraceResult.From(scene, out PhysicsTraceResult physicsResult);

if (traceResult.Hit)
    // Access the Surface field
    Sandbox.Surface hitSurface = traceResult.Surface;
    // Use the surface properties
    Console.WriteLine($"Hit surface friction: {hitSurface.Friction}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Hit surface bounce: {hitSurface.Bounce}");