IEnumerator<System.Object> GetEnumerator()



The GetEnumerator method in the SelectionSystem class provides an enumerator that iterates through the collection of selected objects. This method is sealed, meaning it cannot be overridden in derived classes. It is a public method, allowing it to be accessed from outside the class.


Use the GetEnumerator method when you need to iterate over the items in the SelectionSystem. This is particularly useful when you want to perform operations on each selected item or when you need to access the items in a sequential manner.


// Example of using GetEnumerator to iterate over selected items
SelectionSystem selectionSystem = new SelectionSystem();

// Add some objects to the selection system
selectionSystem.Add(new GameObject("Object1"));
selectionSystem.Add(new GameObject("Object2"));

// Use GetEnumerator to iterate over the selected objects
var enumerator = selectionSystem.GetEnumerator();
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
    var selectedObject = enumerator.Current;
    // Perform operations with selectedObject
    // For example, print the name of the GameObject
    GameObject gameObject = selectedObject as GameObject;
    if (gameObject != null)
        // Access properties or methods of the GameObject
        string name = gameObject.Name;
        // Do something with the name