bool IsMultipleTargets { get; set; }



The IsMultipleTargets property of the SerializedObject class indicates whether the serialized object is targeting multiple objects. This property returns a boolean value, where true signifies that the serialized object is associated with multiple target objects, and false indicates a single target object.


Use the IsMultipleTargets property when you need to determine if a SerializedObject instance is associated with more than one target. This can be particularly useful in scenarios where operations or logic need to be adjusted based on whether the object is dealing with a single or multiple targets.


// Example of using the IsMultipleTargets property
SerializedObject serializedObject = GetSerializedObject();

if (serializedObject.IsMultipleTargets)
    // Handle the case where there are multiple targets
    Console.WriteLine("This serialized object targets multiple objects.");
    // Handle the case where there is a single target
    Console.WriteLine("This serialized object targets a single object.");