The OnPropertyPreChange
property of the SerializedObject
class is a delegate that is invoked before a property of the serialized object is changed. This allows you to perform any necessary actions or validations before the property value is actually modified.
To use the OnPropertyPreChange
delegate, you need to assign a method that matches the PropertyPreChangeDelegate
signature. This method will be called whenever a property is about to change, allowing you to handle pre-change logic such as validation or logging.
// Example of using OnPropertyPreChange
// Define a method that matches the PropertyPreChangeDelegate signature
void OnPreChange(SerializedProperty property)
// Perform actions before the property changes
if (property.Name == "SomeProperty")
// Validate or log the change
// For example, prevent change if certain conditions are not met
if (!IsValidChange(property))
throw new InvalidOperationException("Change is not valid.");
// Assign the method to the OnPropertyPreChange delegate
SerializedObject serializedObject = new SerializedObject();
serializedObject.OnPropertyPreChange += OnPreChange;
// Now, whenever a property is about to change, OnPreChange will be called first.