Sandbox.SerializedObject/PropertyStartEditDelegate OnPropertyStartEdit { get; set; }



The OnPropertyStartEdit property of the SerializedObject class is a delegate that is invoked when a property within the serialized object begins editing. This delegate allows you to hook into the start of the editing process for a property, enabling custom logic or validation to be executed at this point.


To use the OnPropertyStartEdit property, assign a method that matches the PropertyStartEditDelegate signature to it. This method will be called whenever a property starts being edited.

Example usage:

SerializedObject mySerializedObject = new SerializedObject();
mySerializedObject.OnPropertyStartEdit += MyStartEditHandler;

void MyStartEditHandler(SerializedProperty property)
    // Custom logic to execute when a property starts editing
    // For example, logging or validation


SerializedObject mySerializedObject = new SerializedObject();
mySerializedObject.OnPropertyStartEdit += MyStartEditHandler;

void MyStartEditHandler(SerializedProperty property)
    // Custom logic to execute when a property starts editing
    // For example, logging or validation