bool TryGetProperty( string v, Sandbox.SerializedProperty& prop )



The TryGetProperty method attempts to retrieve a serialized property from a SerializedObject by its name. This method is useful when you want to safely access a property without throwing an exception if the property does not exist.


To use the TryGetProperty method, provide the name of the property you wish to retrieve as a string and an uninitialized SerializedProperty variable to store the result. The method returns a bool indicating whether the property was successfully found and retrieved.


// Example usage of TryGetProperty
SerializedObject serializedObject = new SerializedObject();
SerializedProperty property;

bool success = serializedObject.TryGetProperty("propertyName", out property);

if (success)
    // Property was found and is now stored in 'property'
    // You can now work with 'property'
    // Property was not found