bool TryGetAsObject( Sandbox.SerializedObject& obj )



The TryGetAsObject method attempts to retrieve the value of the serialized property as a SerializedObject. This method is useful when you need to access the underlying object representation of a serialized property.


To use the TryGetAsObject method, you need to pass a reference to a SerializedObject variable. The method will attempt to assign the serialized property value to this variable. It returns a boolean indicating whether the operation was successful.

This method is virtual, allowing derived classes to override its behavior if necessary.


// Example usage of TryGetAsObject
SerializedProperty property = ...; // Assume this is an initialized SerializedProperty
SerializedObject obj;

bool success = property.TryGetAsObject(out obj);

if (success)
    // obj now contains the SerializedObject representation of the property
    // Perform operations on obj
    // Handle the case where the property could not be converted to a SerializedObject