bool TryGetAttribute( T& attribute )



The TryGetAttribute method attempts to retrieve a specific attribute of type T from the serialized property. If the attribute is found, it is returned through the attribute parameter, and the method returns true. If the attribute is not found, the method returns false.


To use the TryGetAttribute method, you need to have an instance of SerializedProperty. You can then call this method with an out parameter to attempt to retrieve the desired attribute.

Ensure that the type T is a valid attribute type that can be associated with the serialized property.


// Example usage of TryGetAttribute
SerializedProperty property = ...; // Assume this is an initialized SerializedProperty
MyCustomAttribute attribute;

if (property.TryGetAttribute(out attribute))
    // Attribute was found, and you can use 'attribute' here
    Console.WriteLine("Attribute found: " + attribute);
    // Attribute was not found
    Console.WriteLine("Attribute not found.");