System.Nullable<Transform> GetAttachment( string name, bool worldSpace )



The GetAttachment method of the SkinnedModelRenderer class is used to retrieve the transform of a specified attachment point on a skinned model. This method can return the transform in either local or world space, depending on the worldSpace parameter.


To use the GetAttachment method, you need to provide the name of the attachment point as a string and a boolean indicating whether you want the transform in world space or not. If the attachment point is found, the method returns a Transform object; otherwise, it returns null.


// Example usage of GetAttachment method
SkinnedModelRenderer renderer = new SkinnedModelRenderer();
string attachmentName = "hand_r";
bool inWorldSpace = true;

Transform? attachmentTransform = renderer.GetAttachment(attachmentName, inWorldSpace);

if (attachmentTransform.HasValue)
    // Use the transform
    Transform transform = attachmentTransform.Value;
    // Perform operations with the transform
    // Handle the case where the attachment is not found