bool GetBool( string v )



The GetBool method of the SkinnedModelRenderer class retrieves a boolean parameter value associated with the skinned model renderer. This method is useful for accessing boolean parameters that have been set for the renderer, allowing you to query the state of specific features or settings.


To use the GetBool method, you need to provide the name of the parameter as a string. The method will return a boolean value indicating the current state of the specified parameter.

Ensure that the parameter name you provide is valid and has been previously set using the Set method or is a recognized parameter of the skinned model renderer.


// Example usage of GetBool method
SkinnedModelRenderer renderer = new SkinnedModelRenderer();

// Assume 'isVisible' is a parameter that has been set previously
bool isVisible = renderer.GetBool("isVisible");

if (isVisible)
    // Perform actions if the model is visible
    // Perform actions if the model is not visible