int ResourceVersion { get; set; }



The ResourceVersion property of the SoundEvent class represents the version of the sound resource. This property is virtual, allowing derived classes to override it if necessary. It is an integer value that is typically used internally to manage resource versions and ensure compatibility or updates.

This property is decorated with the HideAttribute and JsonIgnoreAttribute, indicating that it is not intended to be exposed in the user interface or serialized in JSON operations.


Since the ResourceVersion property is hidden and ignored in JSON serialization, it is primarily used internally within the SoundEvent class or its derived classes. It is not intended for direct manipulation or display in user interfaces.

When working with sound events, you typically do not need to interact with this property directly. Instead, focus on other properties like Volume, Pitch, and Sounds to configure the sound event's behavior.


// Example of accessing the ResourceVersion property
// Note: This is typically used internally and not exposed in UI or JSON

SoundEvent soundEvent = new SoundEvent();
int version = soundEvent.ResourceVersion;

// Use the version for internal logic, if necessary
if (version > 1)
    // Perform some version-specific logic