Task<System.Int16[]> GetSamplesAsync()



The GetSamplesAsync method of the SoundFile class asynchronously requests decompressed audio samples from the sound file. This method returns a task that, when completed, provides an array of 16-bit integer samples representing the audio data.


To use the GetSamplesAsync method, you need to have an instance of the SoundFile class. Ensure that the sound file is loaded before calling this method. You can use the Load or LoadAsync methods to load the sound file. Once the sound file is loaded, call GetSamplesAsync to retrieve the audio samples.


// Example of using GetSamplesAsync
async Task ProcessAudioSamplesAsync()
    // Load the sound file
    var soundFile = SoundFile.Load("path/to/soundfile.wav");
    // Ensure the sound file is loaded
    if (soundFile.IsLoaded)
        // Get the audio samples asynchronously
        short[] samples = await soundFile.GetSamplesAsync();
        // Process the samples
        foreach (var sample in samples)
            // Example processing: print the sample value
            // Note: Avoid using Console.WriteLine in production code
            // Console.WriteLine(sample);
        // Handle the case where the sound file is not loaded
        // e.g., log an error or throw an exception