float ConeInner { get; set; }



The ConeInner property of the SpotLight class defines the inner angle of the spotlight's cone in degrees. This property determines the angle within which the light is at its maximum intensity. Beyond this angle, the light intensity starts to fall off until it reaches the outer cone angle defined by the ConeOuter property.

The value of ConeInner is constrained between 0 and 90 degrees, ensuring that the inner cone is always within the valid range for spotlight angles. Adjusting this property allows for fine-tuning the focus and spread of the spotlight's illumination.


To use the ConeInner property, you can directly set it on an instance of the SpotLight class. Ensure that the value is within the specified range (0 to 90 degrees) to avoid runtime errors.

Example usage:

SpotLight mySpotLight = new SpotLight();
mySpotLight.ConeInner = 30.0f; // Sets the inner cone angle to 30 degrees

Adjusting the ConeInner property affects how concentrated the light is within the inner cone, with a smaller angle resulting in a more focused light.


SpotLight mySpotLight = new SpotLight();
mySpotLight.ConeInner = 30.0f; // Sets the inner cone angle to 30 degrees