bool HasAnyTags( System.String[] tags )



The HasAnyTags method checks if the surface has any of the specified tags. It returns true if at least one of the tags in the provided array is present on the surface, otherwise it returns false.


To use the HasAnyTags method, you need to have an instance of the Surface class. Call the method with an array of strings representing the tags you want to check for. The method will return a boolean indicating whether any of the specified tags are present on the surface.


// Example usage of HasAnyTags method
Surface mySurface = new Surface();
string[] tagsToCheck = { "metal", "wood", "plastic" };

bool hasAny = mySurface.HasAnyTags(tagsToCheck);

if (hasAny)
    // The surface has at least one of the specified tags
    // Perform actions based on the presence of these tags
    // None of the specified tags are present on the surface
    // Handle accordingly