Sandbox.Surface/ScrapeEffectData ScrapeEffects { get; set; }



The ScrapeEffects property of the Surface class provides access to the scrape effects associated with a particular surface material. This property is of type ScrapeEffectData, which contains the data necessary to define how the surface reacts when scraped.


Use the ScrapeEffects property to retrieve or modify the scrape effect data for a surface. This can be useful for customizing the visual or audio feedback when an object interacts with the surface in a scraping manner.


// Example of accessing the ScrapeEffects property
Surface mySurface = new Surface();
ScrapeEffectData scrapeEffects = mySurface.ScrapeEffects;

// Modify scrape effects
scrapeEffects.SomeProperty = newValue;
mySurface.ScrapeEffects = scrapeEffects;