string Tags { get; set; }



The Tags property of the Surface class in the Sandbox namespace is a public, non-static property that holds a list of tags as a single string. This property is used to categorize or label the surface with specific identifiers that can be used for various purposes, such as filtering or searching surfaces based on their tags.


To use the Tags property, you can get or set the tags for a specific Surface instance. The tags are stored as a single string, typically separated by spaces or commas, depending on the implementation. This allows you to assign multiple tags to a surface easily.


// Example of setting and getting the Tags property
Surface mySurface = new Surface();

// Set tags for the surface
mySurface.Tags = "wood outdoor durable";

// Retrieve the tags
string surfaceTags = mySurface.Tags;

// Output the tags
// Note: Use a method to display the tags, as Console.WriteLine is not recommended

void DisplayTags(string tags)
    // Implement your display logic here