TextureArrayBuilder WithUAVBinding()



The WithUAVBinding method is a member of the TextureArrayBuilder class in the Sandbox namespace. This method configures the texture array to support Unordered Access View (UAV) binding, which allows the texture to be used for read and write operations in shaders.


To use the WithUAVBinding method, call it on an instance of TextureArrayBuilder during the texture array configuration process. This method is typically used in a fluent interface style, allowing you to chain multiple configuration methods together before finalizing the texture array with the Finish method.


// Example of using WithUAVBinding in a texture array configuration
TextureArrayBuilder builder = new TextureArrayBuilder();
Texture texture = builder
    .WithSize(1024, 1024)

// The texture is now configured to support UAV binding and can be used in shaders for read/write operations.