MethodDescription GetMethod( string name )



The GetMethod method of the TypeDescription class is used to retrieve a method description for a specified method name within the type described by the TypeDescription instance. This method returns a MethodDescription object that provides detailed information about the method, such as its parameters, return type, and other metadata.


To use the GetMethod method, you need to have an instance of TypeDescription. Call GetMethod with the name of the method you want to retrieve. Ensure that the method name is correctly spelled and matches the method you are looking for within the type.


// Assume 'typeDescription' is an instance of TypeDescription
string methodName = "ExampleMethod";
MethodDescription methodDescription = typeDescription.GetMethod(methodName);

if (methodDescription != null)
    // Use methodDescription to inspect the method's details
    Console.WriteLine($"Method Name: {methodDescription.Name}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Return Type: {methodDescription.ReturnType}");
    // Further processing...
    Console.WriteLine("Method not found.");