PropertyDescription GetProperty( string name )



The GetProperty method of the TypeDescription class retrieves a PropertyDescription object that represents a property of the described type, identified by its name. This method is useful for obtaining metadata about a specific property of a type, such as its name, type, and attributes.


To use the GetProperty method, you need to have an instance of TypeDescription that describes the type you are interested in. You can then call GetProperty with the name of the property you want to retrieve. If the property exists, a PropertyDescription object is returned; otherwise, the method returns null.


// Assume 'typeDescription' is an instance of TypeDescription
string propertyName = "MyProperty";
PropertyDescription propertyDescription = typeDescription.GetProperty(propertyName);

if (propertyDescription != null)
    // Property exists, you can now access its metadata
    Console.WriteLine($"Property Name: {propertyDescription.Name}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Property Type: {propertyDescription.PropertyType}");
    // Property does not exist
    Console.WriteLine("Property not found.");