bool IsValueType { get; set; }



The IsValueType property of the TypeDescription class indicates whether the target type is a value type. A value type is a type that holds data directly, as opposed to a reference type, which holds a reference to the data. Common examples of value types include primitive types like int, float, and bool, as well as structs.


To determine if a type described by a TypeDescription instance is a value type, access the IsValueType property. This property returns a bool indicating whether the type is a value type.


// Example of using the IsValueType property
TypeDescription typeDescription = TypeLibrary.GetTypeDescription(typeof(int));

if (typeDescription.IsValueType)
    // This will be true for int, as it is a value type
    // Perform operations specific to value types
    Console.WriteLine("The type is a value type.");
    // Handle reference types
    Console.WriteLine("The type is not a value type.");