bool Vertical { get; set; }



The Vertical property of the SplitContainer class determines the layout orientation of the split container. When set to true, the container is laid out vertically, meaning the panels are stacked one on top of the other. In this configuration, the Left panel is considered the top panel, and the Right panel is considered the bottom panel. Conversely, when set to false, the panels are arranged horizontally, with the Left panel on the left and the Right panel on the right.


To use the Vertical property, simply set it to true or false depending on the desired layout orientation. For example, if you want the panels to be stacked vertically, set Vertical to true. If you prefer a horizontal layout, set it to false.


// Create a new SplitContainer
var splitContainer = new SplitContainer();

// Set the SplitContainer to be vertical
splitContainer.Vertical = true;

// Access the top panel (formerly known as Left)
var topPanel = splitContainer.Left;

// Access the bottom panel (formerly known as Right)
var bottomPanel = splitContainer.Right;

// Set the SplitContainer to be horizontal
splitContainer.Vertical = false;

// Access the left panel
var leftPanel = splitContainer.Left;

// Access the right panel
var rightPanel = splitContainer.Right;