

The TrackedDeviceRole.Chest field is a member of the TrackedDeviceRole enumeration within the Sandbox.VR namespace. It represents a virtual reality tracked device role specifically for the chest. This can be used to identify and manage VR devices that are intended to be worn or tracked at the chest level, such as a chest-mounted sensor or tracker.


Use the TrackedDeviceRole.Chest field when you need to specify or check the role of a VR device that is associated with the chest. This is particularly useful in applications where body tracking is required, and you need to differentiate between various body parts for accurate tracking and interaction.


// Example of using TrackedDeviceRole.Chest

// Assuming you have a VR system setup and a method to get the role of a device
TrackedDeviceRole deviceRole = GetDeviceRole(deviceId);

if (deviceRole == TrackedDeviceRole.Chest)
    // Handle chest-specific logic
    // For example, adjust the position of a chest-mounted display or sensor